Our Partnership Program
Most congregations have a “membership program” where members pay a set amount of dues each year. This often creates a hardship for those who can’t afford to pay a certain amount, and sometimes prevents people from joining a congregational community.
Temple Beth Jacob is different. We have a Partnership Program where you join as a Partner and select annual dues which you consider to be a fair share for your family based on what your family can afford to contribute. You, as a Partner, understand that your share is what helps to keep our doors open and the Temple here to serve the Jewish community. Without sufficient Partner Support, our doors will close.
Our system is flexible, allowing Partners to pay according to their ability. Our policy ensures that Partnership is affordable to all who wish to be partners. It is the essence of our tradition of Tzedakah, justice, and righteousness. No one is denied Partnership at Temple Beth Jacob for financial reasons. All Partnership support information is held in strict confidence.
The one exception to the rule is when a Partner has Cemetery Burial Privileges, which is purchased separately.
Our fair share Partnership Support Plan is based on self-assessment. We understand that every Partner has a different capacity to give. As a guideline we suggest you consider an annual pledge of 2% of your household adjusted gross income, or higher, if affordable.
In order to make the Partnership Program work and keep dues affordable, each Partner must also participate in the Gift Card Program. In the Gift Card Program you purchase gift cards from a wide range of supermarkets, stores, and restaurants. You purchase the cards at face value and spend the card in those stores, or give them as gifts to friends or relatives. Each family is asked to purchase $3,500 in gift cards over the course of the year. (That is equivalent to $67.30 per week. Most families spend more than that on groceries and restaurants.) Single members and seniors are asked to purchase $2,000 each. If you choose to opt-out of the Gift Card Program, you will be assessed $250 per family or $150 for singles and seniors.
We look forward to your Partnership in Temple Beth Jacob.
Sherrill Murray-Lazarus
Most congregations have a “membership program” where members pay a set amount of dues each year. This often creates a hardship for those who can’t afford to pay a certain amount, and sometimes prevents people from joining a congregational community.
Temple Beth Jacob is different. We have a Partnership Program where you join as a Partner and select annual dues which you consider to be a fair share for your family based on what your family can afford to contribute. You, as a Partner, understand that your share is what helps to keep our doors open and the Temple here to serve the Jewish community. Without sufficient Partner Support, our doors will close.
Our system is flexible, allowing Partners to pay according to their ability. Our policy ensures that Partnership is affordable to all who wish to be partners. It is the essence of our tradition of Tzedakah, justice, and righteousness. No one is denied Partnership at Temple Beth Jacob for financial reasons. All Partnership support information is held in strict confidence.
The one exception to the rule is when a Partner has Cemetery Burial Privileges, which is purchased separately.
Our fair share Partnership Support Plan is based on self-assessment. We understand that every Partner has a different capacity to give. As a guideline we suggest you consider an annual pledge of 2% of your household adjusted gross income, or higher, if affordable.
In order to make the Partnership Program work and keep dues affordable, each Partner must also participate in the Gift Card Program. In the Gift Card Program you purchase gift cards from a wide range of supermarkets, stores, and restaurants. You purchase the cards at face value and spend the card in those stores, or give them as gifts to friends or relatives. Each family is asked to purchase $3,500 in gift cards over the course of the year. (That is equivalent to $67.30 per week. Most families spend more than that on groceries and restaurants.) Single members and seniors are asked to purchase $2,000 each. If you choose to opt-out of the Gift Card Program, you will be assessed $250 per family or $150 for singles and seniors.
We look forward to your Partnership in Temple Beth Jacob.
Sherrill Murray-Lazarus