Temple Beth Jacob is a Reform Movement Congregation in the Hudson Valley of New York. We are proud of our longstanding commitment to serving the Jewish community in Newburgh and surrounding towns for over 150 years.
Temple Beth Jacob is committed to a liberal approach to our 4,000 year old heritage. We aim to bring in new ideas and value old traditions.
Thank you for visiting our website.
Come visit our synagogue and meet the people that make TBJ such a warm community.
Temple Beth Jacob is committed to a liberal approach to our 4,000 year old heritage. We aim to bring in new ideas and value old traditions.
Thank you for visiting our website.
Come visit our synagogue and meet the people that make TBJ such a warm community.
You can purchase Mishkan T'Filah: A Reform Siddur on Amazon for your Kindle by Clicking Here or purchase a copy of the Web Mishkan T'Filah from CCAR by Clicking Here.
Upcoming Events
Friday Night Shabbat Service – 7:30pm on Friday, February 14 in the small sanctuary
TBJ Torah Study – 9:30am on Saturday, February 15 via Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84379272125
Mitzvah Arugah Knitting Group – 7:00pm on Thursday, February 13, 20 & 27. Feel free to pick up yarn at the temple office anytime and drop off finished hats. There is NO cost to you and all are welcome to join this growing circle of “Hookers & Loomers
Intro to Judaism/Adult Hebrew – 6:45-7:45pm for Intro and 7:45 – 8:30pm for Hebrew. Tuesdays through April 1. The Intro course is 12 weeks long and will explore the customs, values & beliefs of Judaism and Jewish Life. The Hebrew course will start from Aleph to letters, vowels and words of Hebrew. No prior knowledge is needed. The course will be taught by Rabbi Douglas Kohn at the temple or via zoom if needed. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83429013572
Sisterhood Rosh Chodesh – 6:00pm on Thursday, March 6 at the home of Joan Berkley. The discussion will be from the book “Wise Aging” by Rabbi Rachel Cowan & Dr. Linda Thal—“Cultivating Spiritual Qualities for Well-Being”
Student Cantor Concert – POSTPONED – RESCHEDULED DATE WILL COME SHORTLY. Join Student Cantor Sam Chamberlin for an evening of songs with secular and Jewish favorites featuring some special familiar and surprise guest artists! Adult tickets are $25. Tickets for Children under 15 are $10. Concert sponsorships of $250 and $180 are available and include two tickets, reserved seats up front, notice in concert program and wine & cheese reception in advance of the concert. Purchase your tickets now from the temple office.
TBJ Refugee Shabbat – 7:30pm on Friday, February 28 in the main sanctuary featuring Richard Witt, Director of the Rural and Migrant Ministry in partnership with HIAS.
TBJ Shabbat Morning Service – 10:30am on Saturday, March 8 in the small sanctuary
TBJ Hamantaschen Baking – 10:30am on Sunday, March 9 with Lorraine Wernow. Bring your own rolling pin and cutting board. $20 per person. RSVP to (845) 562-5516 by March 4 so we know how many supplies to purchase.
TBJ Sisterhood Book Club – 12:30pm on Thursday, March 20 at the temple. The book is “Beyond the Ghetto Gates” by Michelle Cameron. When French troops occupy the Italian port city of Ancona, freeing the city’s Jews from their repressive ghetto, it unleashes a whirlwind of progressivism and brutal backlash as two very different cultures collide. Mirelle must choose between her duty—an arranged marriage to a wealthy Jewish merchant—and her love for a dashing French Catholic soldier. Meanwhile, Francesca, a devout Catholic, must decide if she will honor her marriage vows to an abusive and murderous husband when he enmeshes their family in the theft of a miracle portrait of the Madonna.
Scholar In Residence Weekend – AI, Robotics and Torah: Where Judaism and Science Meet – Friday – Sunday, March 21 – 23, 2025. Featuring Rabbi Geoff Mitelman, Founding Director of Sinai and Synapses, an organization bridging the scientific and religious worlds.
Program sponsored in part by Temple Beth Jacob’s George and Annette Packer Scholar-In-Residence Fund and by a Microgrant from the Jewish Federation of Greater Orange County.
Anne Frank The Exhibition – 9:50am on Sunday, March 30 at the Center for Jewish History, 15 West 16th Street in Manhattan. Parents and Religious School students are encouraged to join us. The Anne Frank House will present a pioneering experience outside of Amsterdam to immerse visitors in a full-scale recreation of the Annex where Anne Frank, her parents and sister, and four other Jewish inhabitants spent two years hiding to evade Nazi capture. Tickets are $10 per student and $15 per adult. Meet at the temple then car pool to the city. RSVP by March 20th.
Gift of Life Bone Marrow Swabbing Drive – Stem cell donors needed for the Gift of Life Marrow Registry. So far we have 119 Matches! Donors swab the inside of their cheeks and complete a registration form, must be 18 to 59 years old and in good health. Volunteers are also needed for a couple of hours to help find someone’s match. Contact Sherrill Murray-Lazarus to volunteer at [email protected]. The upcoming swabbing dates are below:
Wednesday, February 19 from 10am -2 pm at Marist College in the Breezeway,3399 North Rd. Poughkeepsie
Tuesday, February 25 from 12-2 pm at Dutchess Community College, Greenspan Cafeteria, Drumlin Hall, 47 Gallery Circle, Poughkeepsie
Tuesday, March 4 from 10am -2pm at SUNY Orange Newburgh Kaplan Hall, 1 Washington Center, Newburgh
Thursday, March 6 from 10am -2 pm at Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine, 60 Prospect Ave, Middletown
Monday, March 10 from 10:30am- 3pm - SUNY New Paltz Student Union Bldg, 1 Hawk Drive, New Paltz, NY
Wednesday March 12 from 10:30 am - 2:30 pm at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Student Union Building, 1761 5th St, Troy, NY
Wednesday, March 26 from 10am -2 pm at SUNY Orange Rowley Center, 115 South Street, Middletown
Saturday, April 26 from 12 – 4pm (outside) at Newburgh Urban Farming Fair- Downing Park, Newburgh
Jewish Heritage Tour of Spain & Morocco- October 26 – November 6, 2025 Lead by Rabbi Kohn. 11 Days of Jewish Heritage Tour discovering Madrid’s Royal Palace, Puerta del Sol, Plaza Major and the world-famous Prado Museum. To learn more about this trip go to https://secure.ayelet.com/KohnSpain2025.aspx or speak to Rabbi Kohn.
TBJ Torah Study – 9:30am on Saturday, February 15 via Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84379272125
Mitzvah Arugah Knitting Group – 7:00pm on Thursday, February 13, 20 & 27. Feel free to pick up yarn at the temple office anytime and drop off finished hats. There is NO cost to you and all are welcome to join this growing circle of “Hookers & Loomers
Intro to Judaism/Adult Hebrew – 6:45-7:45pm for Intro and 7:45 – 8:30pm for Hebrew. Tuesdays through April 1. The Intro course is 12 weeks long and will explore the customs, values & beliefs of Judaism and Jewish Life. The Hebrew course will start from Aleph to letters, vowels and words of Hebrew. No prior knowledge is needed. The course will be taught by Rabbi Douglas Kohn at the temple or via zoom if needed. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83429013572
Sisterhood Rosh Chodesh – 6:00pm on Thursday, March 6 at the home of Joan Berkley. The discussion will be from the book “Wise Aging” by Rabbi Rachel Cowan & Dr. Linda Thal—“Cultivating Spiritual Qualities for Well-Being”
Student Cantor Concert – POSTPONED – RESCHEDULED DATE WILL COME SHORTLY. Join Student Cantor Sam Chamberlin for an evening of songs with secular and Jewish favorites featuring some special familiar and surprise guest artists! Adult tickets are $25. Tickets for Children under 15 are $10. Concert sponsorships of $250 and $180 are available and include two tickets, reserved seats up front, notice in concert program and wine & cheese reception in advance of the concert. Purchase your tickets now from the temple office.
TBJ Refugee Shabbat – 7:30pm on Friday, February 28 in the main sanctuary featuring Richard Witt, Director of the Rural and Migrant Ministry in partnership with HIAS.
TBJ Shabbat Morning Service – 10:30am on Saturday, March 8 in the small sanctuary
TBJ Hamantaschen Baking – 10:30am on Sunday, March 9 with Lorraine Wernow. Bring your own rolling pin and cutting board. $20 per person. RSVP to (845) 562-5516 by March 4 so we know how many supplies to purchase.
TBJ Sisterhood Book Club – 12:30pm on Thursday, March 20 at the temple. The book is “Beyond the Ghetto Gates” by Michelle Cameron. When French troops occupy the Italian port city of Ancona, freeing the city’s Jews from their repressive ghetto, it unleashes a whirlwind of progressivism and brutal backlash as two very different cultures collide. Mirelle must choose between her duty—an arranged marriage to a wealthy Jewish merchant—and her love for a dashing French Catholic soldier. Meanwhile, Francesca, a devout Catholic, must decide if she will honor her marriage vows to an abusive and murderous husband when he enmeshes their family in the theft of a miracle portrait of the Madonna.
Scholar In Residence Weekend – AI, Robotics and Torah: Where Judaism and Science Meet – Friday – Sunday, March 21 – 23, 2025. Featuring Rabbi Geoff Mitelman, Founding Director of Sinai and Synapses, an organization bridging the scientific and religious worlds.
- Friday, March 21 at 7:30pm – Rabbi Mitelman will speak at Shabbat Services on “Has Science Replaced God?’
- Saturday, March 22 at 6:00pm – Dinner program for adults featuring Rabbi Mitelman leading an interactive session of “AI Doing Torah: Can AI Develop a Neshama?” Bring your laptop.
- Sunday, March 23 at 10:00am join us for an interactive program for adults” “There Are Places I Remember: Outsourcing our Memory!”
Program sponsored in part by Temple Beth Jacob’s George and Annette Packer Scholar-In-Residence Fund and by a Microgrant from the Jewish Federation of Greater Orange County.
Anne Frank The Exhibition – 9:50am on Sunday, March 30 at the Center for Jewish History, 15 West 16th Street in Manhattan. Parents and Religious School students are encouraged to join us. The Anne Frank House will present a pioneering experience outside of Amsterdam to immerse visitors in a full-scale recreation of the Annex where Anne Frank, her parents and sister, and four other Jewish inhabitants spent two years hiding to evade Nazi capture. Tickets are $10 per student and $15 per adult. Meet at the temple then car pool to the city. RSVP by March 20th.
Gift of Life Bone Marrow Swabbing Drive – Stem cell donors needed for the Gift of Life Marrow Registry. So far we have 119 Matches! Donors swab the inside of their cheeks and complete a registration form, must be 18 to 59 years old and in good health. Volunteers are also needed for a couple of hours to help find someone’s match. Contact Sherrill Murray-Lazarus to volunteer at [email protected]. The upcoming swabbing dates are below:
Wednesday, February 19 from 10am -2 pm at Marist College in the Breezeway,3399 North Rd. Poughkeepsie
Tuesday, February 25 from 12-2 pm at Dutchess Community College, Greenspan Cafeteria, Drumlin Hall, 47 Gallery Circle, Poughkeepsie
Tuesday, March 4 from 10am -2pm at SUNY Orange Newburgh Kaplan Hall, 1 Washington Center, Newburgh
Thursday, March 6 from 10am -2 pm at Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine, 60 Prospect Ave, Middletown
Monday, March 10 from 10:30am- 3pm - SUNY New Paltz Student Union Bldg, 1 Hawk Drive, New Paltz, NY
Wednesday March 12 from 10:30 am - 2:30 pm at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Student Union Building, 1761 5th St, Troy, NY
Wednesday, March 26 from 10am -2 pm at SUNY Orange Rowley Center, 115 South Street, Middletown
Saturday, April 26 from 12 – 4pm (outside) at Newburgh Urban Farming Fair- Downing Park, Newburgh
Jewish Heritage Tour of Spain & Morocco- October 26 – November 6, 2025 Lead by Rabbi Kohn. 11 Days of Jewish Heritage Tour discovering Madrid’s Royal Palace, Puerta del Sol, Plaza Major and the world-famous Prado Museum. To learn more about this trip go to https://secure.ayelet.com/KohnSpain2025.aspx or speak to Rabbi Kohn.
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