Temple Beth Jacob is a Reform Movement Congregation in the Hudson Valley of New York. We are proud of our longstanding commitment to serving the Jewish community in Newburgh and surrounding towns for over 150 years.
Temple Beth Jacob is committed to a liberal approach to our 4,000 year old heritage. We aim to bring in new ideas and value old traditions.
Thank you for visiting our website.
Come visit our synagogue and meet the people that make TBJ such a warm community.
Temple Beth Jacob is committed to a liberal approach to our 4,000 year old heritage. We aim to bring in new ideas and value old traditions.
Thank you for visiting our website.
Come visit our synagogue and meet the people that make TBJ such a warm community.
You can purchase Mishkan T'Filah: A Reform Siddur on Amazon for your Kindle by Clicking Here or purchase a copy of the Web Mishkan T'Filah from CCAR by Clicking Here
Upcoming Events
TBJ Religious & Hebrew School – Religious School on Sunday, February 12 at 9:30am. Hebrew School on Tuesday, February 7, at 5:00pm for Gerry Hecht’s class.
TBJ Friday Night Sisterhood Shabbat Service – 7:30pm on Friday, February 10, via Zoom or in person. Join us as we celebrate Tu B’Shvat, the new year of trees. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87903365378.
TBJ Torah Study – 9:30am on Saturday, February 11 via in-person or Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83554817991.
TBJ Saturday Morning Shabbat Service – 10:30am on Saturday, February 11, via Zoom and in person in the main sanctuary. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82405607432.
TBJ Mitzvah Arugah Knitting Group – 7:00pm every Thursday. Feel free to pick up yarn at the temple office anytime and drop off finished hats. There is NO cost to you, and all are welcome to join this growing circle of “Hookers & Loomers.”
TBJ Sisterhood Rosh Chodesh – The Rosh Chodesh meeting for February has been cancelled. We will resume the meetings in March.
TBJ Introduction to Judaism – 7:00 – 8:30pm on Thursdays through May 4, 2023. This course will explore the basic customs, texts, values, history, and beliefs of Judaism and Jewish life. It is open to those who may be interested, those who may not be Jewish, those who did not attend Jewish religious school when children, those who are considering becoming Jewish, and those who are related/married/partnered with a Jewish person, and wish to better understand the Traditions and functioning of Jewish life. The course will be taught by Rabbi Douglas Kohn. To register, please call the office at 845-562-5516. In-person attendance is encouraged; however, if you need to join virtually, you may click on the Zoom link. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87892248296.
Snippets of Jewish Prayer: How’s & Why’s – 1:00 – 2:00pm on Saturday, February 11 & March 4, co-taught by David Epstein and Rabbi Douglas Kohn. Learn about the organization of a Jewish prayer service and the relationships of those engaged in Jewish prayer. All are welcome to join.
Hamentashen Baking with Lorraine Wernow – 2:00pm on Sunday, March 5, at the temple. Learn how to make Lorraine’s delicious recipe and take treats home for Purim. Please bring a rolling pin and a baking board. $18 per person. RSVP by Wednesday, March 1st, to 562-5516.
TBJ Sisterhood Book Club – 12:30pm on Thursday, March 9. The book is “Three Words for Goodbye” by Hazel Gaynor. New York, 1937: When estranged sisters Clara and Madeleine Sommers learn their grandmother is dying, they agree to fulfill her last wish: to travel across Europe to deliver three letters, but as they reach Vienna to deliver the final letter, old grudges threaten their reconciliation again. As political tensions rise, the pair are glad to head home on the Hindenburg, where fate will play its hand in the final stage of their journey.
Gift of Life Bone Marrow Swabbing Drive – Stem cell donors is needed for the Gift of Life Marrow Registry. Donors swab the inside of their cheeks and complete a registration form; they must be 18 to 35 years old and in good health. Volunteers are also needed for a couple of hours to help find someone’s match. Contact Sherrill Murray-Lazarus to volunteer at [email protected]. The upcoming swabbing dates are below:
Wednesday, February 8, from 1 – 7pm at Safe Harbors in Newburgh
Wednesday, March 29th, from 10 am to 3pm - SUNY Orange – Middletown Rowley Center for Science and Engineering
REGISTER NOW for March 24-26 for the TBJ Catskills Weekend Retreat at the Winter Clove Inn & Resort in Round Top, NY (61 mi. from TBJ). Indoor and outdoor activities, socializing, Shabbat and Havdalah services, games, and cultural and educational workshops. The cost per person is $375, which is all-inclusive (2 nights/6 meals/gratuity/supplies). A registration fee of $75 is required; the cost goes toward the total and is non-refundable. You can register for the event by going to https://www.tbjnewburgh.org/catskills-retreat-registration-form.html. For any questions or if you are paying by check, please call the office at (845) 562-5516.
New collection - Recycle for Sight for the Lions Club - Place your slightly used eyeglasses in the box in the front lobby. All donations are gratefully accepted. No cases, please.
TBJ Gift Cards - Wednesday Delivery of Gift Cards right to your home! Email [email protected] with your gift card order by noon on Tuesday. Include your preferred delivery time and pay by check, payable to TBJ, upon receipt of your gift cards.
Mitzvah Mavens - We are seeking donations of scarves, socks, gloves, and any other warm weather attire - new or gently used. We will be donating them in conjunction with our very own Mitzvah Arugah handmade hats at various winter events and will be staging the third annual Scarfs of Love drive, where we tie scarfs with messages of hope to various places around Newburgh - encouraging anyone who needs some warmth of body and spirit to take one.
Kol Yisrael Joint Planning Spring Gala – The Tradition Continues – 12:00pm on Sunday, March 19, honoring the visionary members of the original Kol Yisrael board and celebrating 10 years of Kol Yisrael. A Kosher lunch will be served. Reservations required. $50 per person/$18 for children under 12. Please RSVP by Friday, March 3, to (845) 562-5604. Sponsorship opportunities are also available. Please register at http://events.constantcontact.com/register/event?llr=vsh7rpfbb&oeidk=a07ejlo4jmub2b553fc.
TBJ Friday Night Sisterhood Shabbat Service – 7:30pm on Friday, February 10, via Zoom or in person. Join us as we celebrate Tu B’Shvat, the new year of trees. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87903365378.
TBJ Torah Study – 9:30am on Saturday, February 11 via in-person or Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83554817991.
TBJ Saturday Morning Shabbat Service – 10:30am on Saturday, February 11, via Zoom and in person in the main sanctuary. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82405607432.
TBJ Mitzvah Arugah Knitting Group – 7:00pm every Thursday. Feel free to pick up yarn at the temple office anytime and drop off finished hats. There is NO cost to you, and all are welcome to join this growing circle of “Hookers & Loomers.”
TBJ Sisterhood Rosh Chodesh – The Rosh Chodesh meeting for February has been cancelled. We will resume the meetings in March.
TBJ Introduction to Judaism – 7:00 – 8:30pm on Thursdays through May 4, 2023. This course will explore the basic customs, texts, values, history, and beliefs of Judaism and Jewish life. It is open to those who may be interested, those who may not be Jewish, those who did not attend Jewish religious school when children, those who are considering becoming Jewish, and those who are related/married/partnered with a Jewish person, and wish to better understand the Traditions and functioning of Jewish life. The course will be taught by Rabbi Douglas Kohn. To register, please call the office at 845-562-5516. In-person attendance is encouraged; however, if you need to join virtually, you may click on the Zoom link. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87892248296.
Snippets of Jewish Prayer: How’s & Why’s – 1:00 – 2:00pm on Saturday, February 11 & March 4, co-taught by David Epstein and Rabbi Douglas Kohn. Learn about the organization of a Jewish prayer service and the relationships of those engaged in Jewish prayer. All are welcome to join.
Hamentashen Baking with Lorraine Wernow – 2:00pm on Sunday, March 5, at the temple. Learn how to make Lorraine’s delicious recipe and take treats home for Purim. Please bring a rolling pin and a baking board. $18 per person. RSVP by Wednesday, March 1st, to 562-5516.
TBJ Sisterhood Book Club – 12:30pm on Thursday, March 9. The book is “Three Words for Goodbye” by Hazel Gaynor. New York, 1937: When estranged sisters Clara and Madeleine Sommers learn their grandmother is dying, they agree to fulfill her last wish: to travel across Europe to deliver three letters, but as they reach Vienna to deliver the final letter, old grudges threaten their reconciliation again. As political tensions rise, the pair are glad to head home on the Hindenburg, where fate will play its hand in the final stage of their journey.
Gift of Life Bone Marrow Swabbing Drive – Stem cell donors is needed for the Gift of Life Marrow Registry. Donors swab the inside of their cheeks and complete a registration form; they must be 18 to 35 years old and in good health. Volunteers are also needed for a couple of hours to help find someone’s match. Contact Sherrill Murray-Lazarus to volunteer at [email protected]. The upcoming swabbing dates are below:
Wednesday, February 8, from 1 – 7pm at Safe Harbors in Newburgh
Wednesday, March 29th, from 10 am to 3pm - SUNY Orange – Middletown Rowley Center for Science and Engineering
REGISTER NOW for March 24-26 for the TBJ Catskills Weekend Retreat at the Winter Clove Inn & Resort in Round Top, NY (61 mi. from TBJ). Indoor and outdoor activities, socializing, Shabbat and Havdalah services, games, and cultural and educational workshops. The cost per person is $375, which is all-inclusive (2 nights/6 meals/gratuity/supplies). A registration fee of $75 is required; the cost goes toward the total and is non-refundable. You can register for the event by going to https://www.tbjnewburgh.org/catskills-retreat-registration-form.html. For any questions or if you are paying by check, please call the office at (845) 562-5516.
New collection - Recycle for Sight for the Lions Club - Place your slightly used eyeglasses in the box in the front lobby. All donations are gratefully accepted. No cases, please.
TBJ Gift Cards - Wednesday Delivery of Gift Cards right to your home! Email [email protected] with your gift card order by noon on Tuesday. Include your preferred delivery time and pay by check, payable to TBJ, upon receipt of your gift cards.
Mitzvah Mavens - We are seeking donations of scarves, socks, gloves, and any other warm weather attire - new or gently used. We will be donating them in conjunction with our very own Mitzvah Arugah handmade hats at various winter events and will be staging the third annual Scarfs of Love drive, where we tie scarfs with messages of hope to various places around Newburgh - encouraging anyone who needs some warmth of body and spirit to take one.
Kol Yisrael Joint Planning Spring Gala – The Tradition Continues – 12:00pm on Sunday, March 19, honoring the visionary members of the original Kol Yisrael board and celebrating 10 years of Kol Yisrael. A Kosher lunch will be served. Reservations required. $50 per person/$18 for children under 12. Please RSVP by Friday, March 3, to (845) 562-5604. Sponsorship opportunities are also available. Please register at http://events.constantcontact.com/register/event?llr=vsh7rpfbb&oeidk=a07ejlo4jmub2b553fc.
From the Union For Reform Judaism / Reform Movement
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