Temple Beth Jacob is a Reform Movement Congregation in the Hudson Valley of New York. We are proud of our longstanding commitment to serving the Jewish community in Newburgh and surrounding towns for over 150 years.
Temple Beth Jacob is committed to a liberal approach to our 4,000 year old heritage. We aim to bring in new ideas and value old traditions.
Thank you for visiting our website.
Come visit our synagogue and meet the people that make TBJ such a warm community.
Temple Beth Jacob is committed to a liberal approach to our 4,000 year old heritage. We aim to bring in new ideas and value old traditions.
Thank you for visiting our website.
Come visit our synagogue and meet the people that make TBJ such a warm community.
You can purchase Mishkan T'Filah: A Reform Siddur on Amazon for your Kindle by Clicking Here or purchase a copy of the Web Mishkan T'Filah from CCAR by Clicking Here
Upcoming Events
TBJ Hebrew School –4:30pm on Tuesday, February 13 with Nava. 5:30pm on Wednesday, February 14 with Gerry Hecht, geared for new learners and all materials will be supplied.
TBJ Friday Night Shabbat Service – 7:30pm on Friday, February 16 in the small sanctuary.
TBJ Torah Study – 9:30am on Saturday, February 17 via Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87479840984
TBJ Religious School –No Religious School on Sunday, February 18.
Sisterhood Rosh Chodesh - 6:30pm on Thursday, February 22 at the home of Babi Satzman. The discussion will be “Adar 1, Purim, Dinah, Vashti, Esther and the vulnerability of women”. Please RSVP by Monday, February 19 to (845) 562-5516.
TBJ Hamantaschen Baking – 11am on Sunday, March 17 in the Kosher style kitchen. Please bring a rolling pin and a cutting board. $20 per person. RSVP to (845) 562-5516 by March 12 so we know how many supplies to purchase.
Book Club - 12:30pm on Thursday, March 21. Discussion of the book “A Bend In The Stars” by Rachel Berenbaum. Russia in 1914, as war with Germany looms and the Czar's army tightens its grip on the local Jewish community, Miri Abramov and her brilliant physicist brother, Vanya, are facing an impossible decision. Since their parents drowned fleeing to America, Miri and Vanya have been raised by their babushka, a famous matchmaker who has taught them to protect themselves at all costs: to fight, to kill if necessary, and always to have an escape plan. But now, with Miri on the verge of becoming one of Russia's only female surgeons, and Vanya hoping to solve the final puzzles of Einstein's elusive theory of relativity, can they bear to leave the homeland that has given them so much?
Adult Purim Potluck Dinner – 6:00pm on Sunday, March 24. Please bring a dish for 10 people to share. Please do not mix meat and dairy in the same dish and no shellfish. Please RSVP with your dish by March 20 to (845) 562-5516.
Alicia Svigals Concert - 6:00pm on Saturday, April 6 for an evening with Alicia Svigals, world renowned Klezmer Violinist. Tickets are $18 in advance or $25 at the door. Event Sponsorships of $200 available per event or $360 if you would like to sponsor both events. Sponsorship includes name mentioned in program and on the TBJ website. No one will be turned away due to lack of funds.
Women’s Seder – 1:00pm on Sunday, April 14. Open to all Women of Orange County. $18 per person. RSVP by April 4 to (845) 562-5516.
TBJ Mitzvah Arugah Knitting Group – 7:00pm – every Thursday. Feel free to pick up yarn at the temple office anytime and drop off finished hats. There is NO cost to you and all are welcome to join this growing circle of “Hookers & Loomers"
Gift of Life Bone Marrow Swabbing Drive – Stem cell donors needed for the Gift of Life Marrow Registry. Match # 65 was found at our swabbing drive at SUNY Middletown. Donors swab the inside of their cheeks and complete a registration form, must be 18 to 35 years old and in good health. Volunteers are also needed for a couple of hours to help find someone’s match. Contact Sherrill Murray-Lazarus to volunteer at [email protected]. The upcoming swabbing dates are below:
Wednesday, February 14 from 10am – 2pm at SUNY, Newburgh
Friday, February 16 from 12 – 5pm at Resort Worlds 888 RW Drive exit 106, Monticello
Catskills Retreat at Winter Clove Inn – Friday, March 1 to Sunday, March 3. Join Rabbi Kohn in Educational Classes, Cultural Activities, Social Opportunities, Indoor & Outdoor Activities and Shabbat & Havdalah Services. $375 includes two night stay, 6 meals & gratuity. Deposit of $75 and RSVP’s due by February 9, 2024.
Qigong/Tai Chi –Every Wednesday at 11am. Join certified instructor Bryon Abrams as he teaches us mind-body practices and mindfulness meditation to reduce stress, lower blood pressure, decrease anxiety, depression & fatigue. Donations appreciated. Walk-ins welcome!
Zumba Gold – 9:00am on Fridays. No fee.
Lotus Lantern Class – 6:00pm on Thursday, March 7. The Korean Spirit & Culture Promotion Project will teach participants how to make a beautiful lotus flower lantern using colored paper and a pre-made wire frame while learning about Korea’s unique history and culture. $25 per person includes materials and snacks. RSVP by February 12 to 562-5604.
Community Spring Cleaning Yard Sale – 10:00am – 4:00pm on Sunday, April 21 at Kol Yisrael, 290 North Street, Newburgh, NY in the social hall. Now accepting donations of gently used household items to be sold at the yard sale. Donated items will be inspected first before acceptance. Items can be donated up to Thursday, April 15. All items not sold will be returned to the donor or discarded. Proceeds to benefit the member organization of your choice.
American String Quartet Concert – 3:00pm on Sunday, April 14 at Kol Yisrael presented by the Newburgh Chamber Music. Meet violinist Dan Avshalomov & Matthias Buccholz as they perform quartets of Beethoven, Shostakovich and Brahms. Tickets are $35 for Adults, $30 for Seniors & $10 for Students with a college ID. For more information, go to www.newburghchambermusic.org
Choose Your Own Shabbat Adventure – 4:30pm on Friday, March 15 at Kol Yisrael. Activities for kids ages 3 – 14 and for adults. Everyone is invited to join us for dinner at 6:30pm. Dinner is $10 for adults/free for kids. Please RSVP to (845) 561-6602 by March 12.
TBJ Friday Night Shabbat Service – 7:30pm on Friday, February 16 in the small sanctuary.
TBJ Torah Study – 9:30am on Saturday, February 17 via Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87479840984
TBJ Religious School –No Religious School on Sunday, February 18.
Sisterhood Rosh Chodesh - 6:30pm on Thursday, February 22 at the home of Babi Satzman. The discussion will be “Adar 1, Purim, Dinah, Vashti, Esther and the vulnerability of women”. Please RSVP by Monday, February 19 to (845) 562-5516.
TBJ Hamantaschen Baking – 11am on Sunday, March 17 in the Kosher style kitchen. Please bring a rolling pin and a cutting board. $20 per person. RSVP to (845) 562-5516 by March 12 so we know how many supplies to purchase.
Book Club - 12:30pm on Thursday, March 21. Discussion of the book “A Bend In The Stars” by Rachel Berenbaum. Russia in 1914, as war with Germany looms and the Czar's army tightens its grip on the local Jewish community, Miri Abramov and her brilliant physicist brother, Vanya, are facing an impossible decision. Since their parents drowned fleeing to America, Miri and Vanya have been raised by their babushka, a famous matchmaker who has taught them to protect themselves at all costs: to fight, to kill if necessary, and always to have an escape plan. But now, with Miri on the verge of becoming one of Russia's only female surgeons, and Vanya hoping to solve the final puzzles of Einstein's elusive theory of relativity, can they bear to leave the homeland that has given them so much?
Adult Purim Potluck Dinner – 6:00pm on Sunday, March 24. Please bring a dish for 10 people to share. Please do not mix meat and dairy in the same dish and no shellfish. Please RSVP with your dish by March 20 to (845) 562-5516.
Alicia Svigals Concert - 6:00pm on Saturday, April 6 for an evening with Alicia Svigals, world renowned Klezmer Violinist. Tickets are $18 in advance or $25 at the door. Event Sponsorships of $200 available per event or $360 if you would like to sponsor both events. Sponsorship includes name mentioned in program and on the TBJ website. No one will be turned away due to lack of funds.
Women’s Seder – 1:00pm on Sunday, April 14. Open to all Women of Orange County. $18 per person. RSVP by April 4 to (845) 562-5516.
TBJ Mitzvah Arugah Knitting Group – 7:00pm – every Thursday. Feel free to pick up yarn at the temple office anytime and drop off finished hats. There is NO cost to you and all are welcome to join this growing circle of “Hookers & Loomers"
Gift of Life Bone Marrow Swabbing Drive – Stem cell donors needed for the Gift of Life Marrow Registry. Match # 65 was found at our swabbing drive at SUNY Middletown. Donors swab the inside of their cheeks and complete a registration form, must be 18 to 35 years old and in good health. Volunteers are also needed for a couple of hours to help find someone’s match. Contact Sherrill Murray-Lazarus to volunteer at [email protected]. The upcoming swabbing dates are below:
Wednesday, February 14 from 10am – 2pm at SUNY, Newburgh
Friday, February 16 from 12 – 5pm at Resort Worlds 888 RW Drive exit 106, Monticello
Catskills Retreat at Winter Clove Inn – Friday, March 1 to Sunday, March 3. Join Rabbi Kohn in Educational Classes, Cultural Activities, Social Opportunities, Indoor & Outdoor Activities and Shabbat & Havdalah Services. $375 includes two night stay, 6 meals & gratuity. Deposit of $75 and RSVP’s due by February 9, 2024.
Qigong/Tai Chi –Every Wednesday at 11am. Join certified instructor Bryon Abrams as he teaches us mind-body practices and mindfulness meditation to reduce stress, lower blood pressure, decrease anxiety, depression & fatigue. Donations appreciated. Walk-ins welcome!
Zumba Gold – 9:00am on Fridays. No fee.
Lotus Lantern Class – 6:00pm on Thursday, March 7. The Korean Spirit & Culture Promotion Project will teach participants how to make a beautiful lotus flower lantern using colored paper and a pre-made wire frame while learning about Korea’s unique history and culture. $25 per person includes materials and snacks. RSVP by February 12 to 562-5604.
Community Spring Cleaning Yard Sale – 10:00am – 4:00pm on Sunday, April 21 at Kol Yisrael, 290 North Street, Newburgh, NY in the social hall. Now accepting donations of gently used household items to be sold at the yard sale. Donated items will be inspected first before acceptance. Items can be donated up to Thursday, April 15. All items not sold will be returned to the donor or discarded. Proceeds to benefit the member organization of your choice.
American String Quartet Concert – 3:00pm on Sunday, April 14 at Kol Yisrael presented by the Newburgh Chamber Music. Meet violinist Dan Avshalomov & Matthias Buccholz as they perform quartets of Beethoven, Shostakovich and Brahms. Tickets are $35 for Adults, $30 for Seniors & $10 for Students with a college ID. For more information, go to www.newburghchambermusic.org
Choose Your Own Shabbat Adventure – 4:30pm on Friday, March 15 at Kol Yisrael. Activities for kids ages 3 – 14 and for adults. Everyone is invited to join us for dinner at 6:30pm. Dinner is $10 for adults/free for kids. Please RSVP to (845) 561-6602 by March 12.
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